Barb Gormley

Barb Gormley

I am a longtime certified personal trainer, Nordic walking expert, and professional health & fitness writer. I have a degree in Physical Education & Health, hold numerous fitness certifications, and studied writing at Toronto Metropolitan University..

I have been a Master Trainer and the Director of Education for Nordic walking company Urban Poling Inc. since 2006.

My virtual Cardio, Weights & Poles classes began during the pandemic in May 2020 and are going strong today. They are continuing to be a popular exercise option for people who enjoy exercising from the comfort of their homes.

My Nordic walking classes, offered in High Park and Mount Pleasant Cemetery, have been running since 2008.

Also popular are my private and semi-private Nordic walking classes and my small-group Quick-Start Clinics.

I frequently present fitness education sessions at conferences and events for both fitness professionals and the general public.

I am the author of The Urban Poling Ultimate Guide to Nordic Walking and The Urban Poling Ultimate Guide to Nordic Walking For Instructors.