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What is Nordic Walking? A Beginner's Guide

Nordic walking is a fantastic outdoor activity that combines elements of hiking and regular walking with the use of specially-designed poles.


Nordic walking involves walking with poles that resemble ski poles and hiking poles but are specifically designed for Nordic walking. It originated in Finland as a way for cross-country skiers to stay fit during the off-season.


With each stride, you swing a long straight arm forward, plant your pole on an angle behind you, and push down and back on the ledge or strap of the handle propelling yourself forward. This continuous plant-push-propel action engages your core, arms, and shoulders, providing a full-body workout.


Nordic walking offers a wide range of health benefits, including:

  • improved cardiovascular fitness,

  • increased calorie burn compared to regular walking

  • enhanced upper body strength

  • better posture

  • reduced stress on hips, knees and back


Nordic walking is incredibly versatility. You can do it almost anywhere – from city parks to hiking trails to urban streets. Plus, it's suitable for people of almost all ages and fitness levels.

Differences from Hiking (also known as trekking and tramping):

  • Hiking typically involves walking in natural environments like forests or mountains; Nordic walking can be done on a greater variety of surfaces, including pavement, sidewalks and dirt trails.

  • Hikers with poles typically keep their elbows bent and use their poles in any fashion that helps them to maintain stability and balance. Nordic walkers, walk with long straight arms, swinging up to a handshake position and returning the thumbs low to the sides of the thighs.

Differences from Regular Walking:

  • Regular walking primarily engages the lower body muscles while the upper body remains relatively relaxed. Nordic walking engages both the upper and lower body, resulting in a more intense workout.

Getting Started:

  • To get moving you just need a pair of Nordic walking poles and comfortable walking shoes.

  • Many parks and recreation centres and independent certified instructors offer Nordic walking classes. At a class or series of classes you’ll learn how to adjust your poles for your height, proper Nordic walking technique, and how to get the most from your workout.

  • Without at least one lesson, the average person defaults to a hiking technique, which offers just assistance with balance and none of the additional benefits of Nordic walking.

What Are the Health Benefits of Nordic Walking?

What Are the Health Benefits of Nordic Walking?

Nordic walking is a versatile and accessible activity that offers multiple health benefits for people of all ages and for beginner through advanced exercisers. Here are the 6 key advantages to walking with Nordic walking poles compared to regular walking.

Urban Poling is the Best Medicine

(By Barb Gormley. Originally published in CARP magazine)

If you’re living with a chronic health condition—or simply want to feel more vibrant—Nordic walking, also known as urban poling, can be a powerful tonic. The rhythmic swinging of Nordic walking poles activates your arms and core muscles turning a humdrum stroll into a full-body workout.

The technique is relatively easy to master: lengthen your stride slightly, swing your arms from the shoulders (not the elbows), and press down and back on the base of the poles’ handles. Et voila! Feel every muscle instantly engaged, your body energized, and your spirits lifted.

“Our sales are spiking because people are looking for alternatives to exercising at fitness clubs, recreation centres and pools because of COVID-19,” says Mandy Shintani, co-director of Urban Poling Inc., a Vancouver walking pole manufacturer and distributor. “Nordic walking is an ideal exercise for the times because it’s an outdoor fitness activity that is low cost and really enjoyable.”

Don’t be fooled by flimsy imitations from big box stores or confuse Nordic walking poles with hiking poles, she adds. Only good quality Nordic walking poles will give you all the health benefits and be hard wearing.

Almost every day Urban Poling hears how its poles have changed their customers’ lives. Here are three of those stories:

Balance, Confidence, Stamina

The steady patter of her feet and Nordic walking poles hitting the ground are happy sounds for Toronto retiree Merrilee Wilson. Her outings with her poles at a local park have become what she calls a “bright light” in her day.

The poles give me the balance assistance I need while improving my posture and upper body strength,” says Merrilee, who is managing multiple injuries from a catastrophic car accident and usually travels via scooter.

She got her Nordic walking start in a six-week beginners program taking her first tentative steps with the Urban Poling ACTIVATOR poles, which provide maximum stability. She graduated to Nordic walking poles once her strength and balance improved.

“My instructor was a wonderful motivator and extremely patient,” says Merrilee. “I now walk for 20 minutes with my poles, a monumental achievement. I hope to show my appreciation one day by paying it forward to another beginner.”

Weight Loss, Friendship, Joy

“In 1998 I was diagnosed with clinical depression, and then I lost my husband after a long struggle with cancer,” says Carol Smith, who lives in Saskatoon. “Before I knew it, I was 100 pounds overweight.”

When a physiotherapist friend suggested she try Nordic walking, she was afraid it would be too painful for her overburdened joints. Instead, she loved it immediately.

“The poles take a tremendous amount of pressure off my knees,” she says. “I started poling regularly, moving from 20-minute to 60-minute walks, and I joined a weight loss group. Instead of socializing over food, I scheduled Nordic walking sessions with my friends.”

Today Carol has shed the 100 pounds and her knees are pain-free. “But best of all, I experience regular post-workout endorphin highs that help manage my depression and carry me through my day.”

Posture, Strength, Endurance

If you have arthritis or the simple aches and pains that can come with age, keep your body moving, says Fran Betts, a retired healthcare worker and older adults fitness instructor who lives in Wallaceburg, Ontario.

“Twenty years ago I began dealing with the beginnings of arthritis in both of my feet,” says Fran. “Simple walking was becoming too painful until I tried Nordic walking.”

To her amazement she found that the poles allowed her to offload body weight into her upper body, and she could walk for longer periods with much less discomfort. She gradually increased her walking distance each week. Eventually she even felt good enough to Nordic walk in a 10 KM fundraiser.

“As I’ve become better at the technique, I’ve noticed improvements in my posture and in my entire body’s strength,” she says. “The best news is that I’ve been able to get back to walking the local trails with my husband and dog, something I thought I might never do again.”

For information on purchasing Urban Poling poles and products, including The Urban Poling Ultimate Guide to Nordic Walking, and to view video of Nordic walking in action, CLICK HERE.